Fruits And Snacks That Burn Fat And Help You Lose Weight.

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If you’re trying to lose weight, you’re probably taking a close look at your diet. You likely are cutting out fast food. You’ve learned to make healthy choices at the grocery store. .

The key is to choose healthy snacks, like the ones ahead, that will help you burn fat and lose weight, not undermine all the hard work you’re doing at the gym or on your daily jog.

Here Are Fruits And Snacks That Burn Fat And Help Lose Weight.

.1. Apple and peanut butter

Burn FatThe Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics offers up a variety of suggestions for healthy snacks. (Although these foods might not technically burn fat on their own, they’ll definitely help your daily exercise regimen burn fat and build muscle.)  One of the academy’s delicious suggestions is to eat an apple with 1 tablespoon of peanut butter, almond butter, or sunflower seed butter. As Live strong notes, it’s a great idea to choose a natural peanut butter (or other nut or seed butter) to avoid added sugar and hydrogenated vegetable oils.

2. Avocado

 Burn Fat For a lower-fat version of guacamole, the academy recommends mashing up an avocado . You can eat the mixture on low-fat baked tortilla chips or on a whole wheat tortilla. You can even sprinkle it with low-fat cheese before you roll it up. We all know that avocado on toast is a major trend. That’s because avocados are nutrient-dense, high in fiber, and, according to SF Gate, are packed with healthy monounsaturated fats that reduce your risk of stroke and heart disease.

3. Frozen yogurt

 Burn Fat

Yogurt in green bowl

To make a healthy version of frozen yogurt, the academy recommends mixing equal amounts of fat-free plain or flavored yogurt with 100% fruit juice. Then, pour the mixture into paper cups and freeze. If you’ve ever tried freezing a cup of yogurt on its own, you probably found out pretty quickly that it turns into a pretty solid brick. Serious Eats notes you need to add sugar if you want frozen yogurt that you can scoop like ice cream. It turns out the fruit juice does the trick — and makes for a much healthier snack than yogurt packed with white sugar.

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4. Fruit kebabs

 Burn Fat A great snack when you have fresh fruit but want something else to go with it is to cut up fruit to make into kebabs. Serve the kebabs with low-fat yogurt as a dip. Need some ideas for which fruits go well together? suggests a combination of strawberries, cantaloupe, pineapple, kiwi, and blueberries. Center Cut Cook goes for a rainbow selection of strawberries, oranges, pineapples, kiwis, and grapes. And Weight Watchers suggests the tropical combination of pineapples, mangoes, and bananas.

5. Graham crackers with nut or seed butter and yogurt

 Burn Fat

Healthy Honey Graham Crackers on a Plate

If you want a delicious and filling mix of flavors, this is the snack for you. The academy recommends topping graham crackers with your favorite nut or seed butter, and then dunking them in low-fat vanilla yogurt. If you’re serious about making this snack as healthy as possible, make sure your nut or seed butter doesn’t have added sugar or oil. And if you have the time, consider testing your baking skills by making homemade graham crackers.

6. Oatmeal

 Burn Fat

Bowl of oatmeal porridge with bananas and blueberry, selective focus

To make instant oatmeal into a healthy and filling snack, the academy recommends preparing it with fat-free milk and then adding 1 tablespoon maple syrup, a “sprinkle” of cinnamon, and ¼ cup dried fruit. Unsure which kinds of dried fruit will taste best with your oatmeal? That depends on which flavors you like best. But some tried-and-true favorites, according to SF Gate, include raisins, cranberries, blueberries, apricots, prunes, dates, or figs. These dried fruits add a dash of sweetness to your oatmeal without adding the same empty calories you’d get from sugar.

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7. Popcorn

 Burn Fat The kind of buttery popcorn you usually grab at the movie theater or make in a microwaveable bag is out of the question if you want to burn fat and build muscle. But the academy recommends air-popped popcorn as a healthy but satisfying alternative. Mix 3 cups of air-popped popcorn with grated cheese or dried spices. If you’re having trouble getting the seasonings to stick to your air-popped popcorn, The Kitchen recommends adding a small amount of olive oil. Or, if you don’t want to add the fat, try Spark People’s ideas for healthy popcorn toppings.

 8. Smoothies

 Burn Fat According to the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics, a great way to make a healthy smoothie is to combine 1 cup of fat-free milk with frozen fruit in a blender. Bon Appétit notes that traditional smoothies aren’t so healthy because they’re too high in fat and sugar. But using frozen fruit without added sugar and choosing skim milk fixes both of those problems. If you’ve never shopped for frozen fruit, you might be unsure which to buy. Fortunately, Healthy Vegan has some suggestions for the best frozen fruits for smoothies. Curious about which are the top contenders? Look for frozen berries, pomegranates, peaches, and cherries.

 9. Vegetable pizza

 Burn Fat Craving pizza? Indulge that urge in a simple but healthy snack you can make in your own kitchen. You can make a mini veggie pizza by topping a whole wheat English muffin or pita with 2 tablespoons of tomato sauce, ½ cup diced fresh vegetables, and 1 ounce of low-fat mozzarella cheese. You probably already have the ingredients for this tasty veggie pizza in your kitchen. But you might want to check out Berkeley Wellness’s guidelines for picking the best pasta sauce. Some hints? Watch out for saturated fat, keep the sugar to a minimum, and minimize sodium.

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