6 of the Most Essential Factors for Muscle Growth

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For those aiming to lose weight, the equation is relatively simple: calories in < calories out. Going the other direction — that is, gaining mass and building muscle — presents a comparatively more intricate set of steps. Muscle growth depends on a number of factors, not just how much weight you can throw on a barbell (though that is part of it).

You may be familiar with the 80/20 rule, which can be applied to many aspects of life. The rule dictates that 20% of the effort directed at a given task or goal will have the most impact, while the remaining 80% has less. Well, within the world of fitness, it applies as well — just not in the way you might think.

We’ll cover that more in the following pages, along with some of the other factors that may be hindering your journey to muscle growth. Read on, take stock of your daily routines, and make the appropriate changes, if need be.

1. Diet

Keeping track of diet plan

Keep track of your diet. |

You know the adage, or at least some form of it. And the 80/20 rule clearly applies here: A lot of the work when getting fit takes place in the kitchen, not in the gym. That means that what you’re putting in your body to use as fuel, is just as if not more important, than what you’re actually doing at the gym.

You need to focus on lean, protein-rich foods that will nourish your body and help facilitate muscle growth. Some of the dietary staples to consider are chicken breasts, lean beef, and salmon — all of which provide significant doses of protein with fewer calories and less fat than other meats. For veggies, stick to nuts and beans, which also have protein, albeit in lesser quantities.

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2. Sleep

Man sleeping in bed

Sleep is a must. |

Rest and sleep is incredibly important to muscle growth, yet most of us would gladly give up an hour or two if it means we get to stay out at the bar later, or pack in some more time with the Xbox. When you sleep, your body is hard at work repairing your muscle tissue, replacing old and damaged cells, and getting to work on the good stuff. You’ll also recharge your brain and attain more mental alertness, and it gets you ready for the next round in the gym.

For those serious about putting on muscle, 10 hours of sleep is often recommended, but at least seven to nine per night should do it.

3. Age

Woman next to clock

Age makes muscle gain harder, but not impossible. |

You don’t have much control over how old you are, and unfortunately, it can be a real factor when trying to redefine your body. Your age brings along with it many elements — past injuries, fatigue, family obligations, etc. — all of which can hinder your workouts, both in terms of what you’re physically capable of, and the amount of time you can put in at the gym. What it really means is that the older you are, the more planning you may need to put into your routine, and the more care you have to take to avoid injury.

4. Variety

woman doing deadlifts

Mix up your routine when you can. | Justin Sullivan/Getty Images

You’re probably familiar with the term muscle memory, which is basically your body’s way of adapting. That is, if you continuously do the same exercises over and over, working the same muscles and body parts, you’re going to plateau faster — because your body is adapting. That’s why variety is so important. Make sure you get in your basic lifts and exercises, but be sure to mix it up a bit. Do lifts that use different muscles to keep your body continuously surprised. This will not only help build up peripheral muscles, but take the load off of the muscles you’re typically depending on.

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5. Consistency

Three women doing plank exercise lying on yoga mat in fitness class.

Stay focused and motivated to reach your goals. |

Hitting the gym once or twice a week isn’t nearly as effective as working those muscles more often. You have to be careful you don’t overtrain, of course, which is where variety comes in. So for optimum gains, aim to split your days at the gym according to muscle group — but get there four to five times a week if time allows. Try hitting legs on a Monday, arms on a Tuesday, core on a Wednesday, etc., to really focus on building strength in each area of the body without overusing the same muscle groups.

6. Goals

Superhero standing In front of a dark city

Set goals and stick to them. |

We keep harping on this one: Establish goals, and track your progress! You want to know if you’re lifting more than you were last week, and by how much. That way, you can aim for personal records, which will ultimately lead to bigger and stronger muscles. Keep pushing yourself, aiming to add weight every session, or at least every cycle. If you’re able to beat personal bests from previous weeks, you’ll know you’re getting stronger. So keep track, write down some goals, and lift like a madman.

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