15 Foods Everyone With High Blood Pressure Should Be Eating

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If you have high blood pressure, you’re well aware of the types of foods you shouldn’t be eating. Your doctor has probably shoved a lengthy list of don’ts down your throat: Don’t eat red meat; steer clear of too much salt. At a certain point, you’ve probably asked yourself, “What can I eat?” The good news is, there’s still plenty you can enjoy.

We’ve done some digging, and have found 15 foods that will help keep those BP numbers where they need to be. Check it out.

1. Bananas

High Blood Pressure

Bananas can help your heart. |

Bananas are one of your best options. As it turns out, foods high in potassium help manage high blood pressure because it can minimize the impact sodium has. The American Heart Association says one medium banana has about 420 milligrams of potassium, which is a significant amount for a relatively small amount of food. The daily recommended potassium intake for adults is 4,700 milligrams, so just one fruit will have you well on your way.

Next: If you’re going to eat grains, make sure they’re this type. 

2. Whole grains

red quinoa

Red quinoa is just one of the fiber-rich options you have. |

By now, most people know they shouldn’t be eating white bread and that whole-wheat or whole-grain options are better. Registered dietitian Keri Gans tells Health going for whole grains ensures you get all the good stuff — bran, germ, and endosperm. Refined grains, on the other hand, have been stripped of the bran and germ. Luckily, there’s a long list of whole grains to choose from, including quinoa, barley, and brown rice.

Next: Enjoy this type of dairy that’s actually good for your blood pressure.

3. Low-fat yogurt

Bowl of fresh mixed berries and yogurt with farm fresh strawberries

Yogurt may help lower your blood pressure. | Coskun

Unless you also happen to be lactose intolerant, you’re good to go when it comes to dairy products. Some evidence indicates dairy is beneficial for lowering blood pressure, but you want to make sure you’re choosing the low-fat variety, as we know people with high blood pressure should avoid trans and saturated fats. Need more convincing? The DASH Diet, which has been praised for lowering blood pressure, encourages people to incorporate low-fat dairy products into their diets. This includes low-fat yogurt and fat-free milk.

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Next: Add more of this kind of protein into your diet. 

4. Fish


Salmon is full of heart-healthy omega-3s. |

Everyone needs their protein, but red meat definitely isn’t the way to go if you’re trying to control high blood pressure. Because fish contains less saturated fat, it’s a good option. Plus, according to the AHA, the omega-3 fatty acids found in fish may reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease. The best options for a heart-healthy diet include halibut, tuna, and salmon.

Next: Make it a habit to reach for these as a snack. 

5. Nuts

cans of different kinds of nuts

Nuts have both protein and healthy fat. |

Nuts contain heart-healthy omega-3 fats, so there’s little argument about their importance in a diet focused on lowering high blood pressure. Additionally, SFGate says certain nuts could lower cholesterol, which is often a huge offender among those with high blood pressure. So, whether you prefer pistachios to walnuts, snacking on these staples will help keep your heart healthy.

Next: These foods are full of fiber and protein. 

6. Legumes

selection of legumes

Beans and legumes can really help out your heart. |

Legumes aren’t half bad, either. One study examined the role these fiber-rich foods play in controlling blood pressure among patients with diabetes. In a press release, lead study author Dr. David Jenkins said legumes have a “blood pressure-lowering effect in diabetic patients.” Not to mention, legumes are a great source of protein. Check out these delicious recipes, all starring the mighty bean.

Next: Ditch the canola oil and use this instead. 

7. Olive oil

Olive oil in a glass container

Olive oil might be the best cooking fat their is. |

In addition to being good for those with arthritis, due to its anti-inflammatory properties, olive oil is loaded with heart-healthy fats. According to Mayo Clinic, the healthy fats found in olive oil are monounsaturated fatty acids. These healthy fats can help lower total cholesterol, along with LDL (bad) cholesterol. The Arthritis Foundationrecommends 2 to 3 tablespoons daily, and points out that extra-virgin olive oil is a better option, as it isn’t as heavily processed.

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Next: Instead of salt, try using these. 

8. Spices

variety of spices

Spices are a great way to add flavor without upping the sodium. |

You know salt can harm cholesterol and blood pressure, so curbing your desire to sprinkle it on everything is a must. The AHA recommends a daily limit of 1,500 milligrams for most adults, so it’s time to start swapping salt for healthier alternatives.

One way the organization recommends shaking your salt habit is by taking advantage of the wide variety of spices and seasonings available. For example, use basil on fish, lamb, and lean ground meats. Use nutmeg on fruits, potatoes, and chicken. And try rosemary on veal, lean pork, and lima beans.

Next: This meat is better than the rest for your blood pressure. 

9. Lean chicken

chicken pieces on a grill

Grilled chicken is one of the smartest protein options out there. |

Ditching burgers and steak for good is a tall order for meat lovers. But if you can find ways to swap it for chicken more often than not, you’ll be doing yourself a favor. According to the AHA, chicken has less cholesterol and saturated fat than red meats. Seeing as how cholesterol and saturated fat can raise blood cholesterol and make heart disease worse, this difference really does matter. Stick to lean, skinless cuts of chicken.

Next: Go for this type of veggie whenever possible. 

10. Leafy greens


Spinach should be a salad staple. |

Leafy greens, like spinach and kale, may help reduce blood pressure, thanks to magnesium. Research has foundtaking 300 milligrams of the mineral a day for one month can elevate blood magnesium levels and reduce blood pressure. Furthermore, a press release on the research reads, “High magnesium levels in the blood were linked to improvements in blood flow, another factor associated with lowered blood pressure.” Additional foods that are high in magnesium include whole grains, beans, and nuts.

Next: Drink the juice of this root veggie and reap the benefits. 

11. Beets

sliced beets on a cutting board

You might want to add beet juice to your diet. |

If beets aren’t already a part of your diet, you should consider adding them in. WebMD explains this mighty root veggie may actually have an immediate effect on your blood pressure — particularly when it comes to the juice. A study found drinking beet juice lowered systolic blood pressure by about 4-5 points. And researchers are hopeful that long-term beet juice consumption would bring about even better results.

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Next: This tasty fruit is known for its vibrant color — and it’s extremely good for you. 

12. Pomegranate

pomegranate juice

Pour that pomegranate into a cup, it’s time to drink up! |

There’s good news for pomegranate lovers — a recent study suggests the juice from the fruit can really help out those with high blood pressure. HuffPost reports researchers at Queen Margaret University in Scotland found the majority of those tested who drank 16 ounces of pomegranate juice a day for four weeks experienced lowered blood pressure. And that’s not all the researchers found. It turns out the juice from those tiny seeds also has tons of antioxidants, which are great for your heart.

Next: These fruits are tasty, colorful, and great for your ticker. 

13. Berries

woman picking blueberries

Blueberries are full of heart-healthy compounds. | Michael Urban/AFP/Getty Images

As if you didn’t need another reason to drink more berry-filled smoothies. A study from the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition found compounds in blueberries protect against high blood pressure. If you’re not a fan of blueberries, these compounds are also found in raspberries, strawberries, and black currents, ScienceDaily reports. The effect was higher in those who ate blueberries over strawberries, though, so choose these if you have the option.

Next: Add this flavorful ingredient to your savory dishes for added benefits. 

14. Garlic

three onions and garlics

Garlic has particularly great benefits for those with hypertension. | iStock/Getty Images

There’s good news if you put garlic in everything — it has some seriously great benefits, especially for your blood pressure. A study published in Nutrition Research found there’s a compound in garlic that can help those with hypertension. Exactly how it does this, however, is still being researched, notes.

To get the most out of your garlic, crushing or chopping it when it’s raw releases the enzyme.

Next: You should be drinking this beverage daily. 

15. Hibiscus tea

Cup of tea on a blue stone background

A tea this color probably has hibiscus in it. | Anna Pustynnikova/iStock/Getty Images

If you’re a tea lover, then it may be time to ditch traditional black and green varieties and go for hibiscus. A study in the Journal of Nutrition found drinking this type of tea consistently can lower blood pressure over time. The study’s author believes it works because the healthy compounds in the tea work together to keep the blood vessels resistant to damage, EatingWell notes. Since many herbal tea blends contain hibiscus, it shouldn’t be too hard to find one you like.

Additional reporting by Lauren Weiler.

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