Do Women Cheat in Relationships More Than Men?

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Who cheats more? Men cheat or women cheat? And why do partners sometimes feel the need to cheat? When it comes to infidelity, the reasons vary for men and women. In fact, gender often plays some role in what led to the indiscretion. For example, one reason men often stray is because they don’t feel respected by their partner. In a recent conversation with The Cheat Sheet, Lesli Doares, couples consultant and author of Blueprint for a Lasting Marriagetold us cheating among women is often due to unmet emotional needs.

 Women Cheat

To learn more about infidelity among both men and women, The Cheat Sheet spoke with psychologist Dr. Jeanette Raymond. Her answers to our questions might surprise you.

The Cheat Sheet: Despite the common belief that men tend to be cheaters, is it a possibility that women are more likely to cheat than men?

Dr. Jeanette Raymond: Absolutely. Women who have outgrown their dependency on their partners often cheat just for the exhilaration of being free and in control of their lives. They don’t want to rock the boat too much, nor do they want to feel trapped and forced to restrict themselves to a narrow lifestyle. Cheating is a great way of having that balance. [I know someone] who is married with young children who goes out dancing, picks up guys and cheats. She wants freedom because her husband is clingy and wants her to devote herself to him (which she did in the early days of their relationship). She wants to explore parts of herself that she suppressed earlier in order to get a guy.

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Women Cheat

Couple walking on the beach | Source: iStock

CS: What are some reasons women cheat on their partner?

JR: Some women who change and grow but want to maintain their relationship status choose to be self-indulgent and let loose. Some women cheat to get their partners jealous so that the relationship becomes exciting again if it was in the doldrums. Others cheat because their mothers did. Many women grow up in homes where their mothers have multiple partners, often simultaneously. It becomes a norm.

CS: How can a man make a woman partner feel more loved and accepted?

JR: Noticing, acknowledging, and facilitating their partner’s psychological, emotional, and social growth is the essence of the capacity to love. Encouraging your partner to be who she is, and to fulfill her personal goals as woman are the best ways to honor and accept her.

Women Cheat

Woman sitting up in bed | Source: iStock

CS: What advice do you have for a woman who is tempted to cheat?

JR: She should take a look at what’s missing in her life and try to discuss it with her partner. Then she should consider what she’s aiming for by cheating. Is she wanting to feel power, feminine, control, have the thrill of a secret? If her partner is not up to talking and discussing her change and growth, it would be a good idea to think about going to therapy to explore her personal needs and her choices. Then she doesn’t have to use cheating to force the issue of needing to grow and develop.

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